Dental veneers are an easy way to repair a tooth with minor damage or discoloration. If you have a small chip or crack in your tooth, a tooth that is unevenly spaced, or is yellowed or grey, talk to one of our dentists, Dr. Devin Fisher or Dr. Zachary Bergevin about a veneer. Veneers are thin shells made out of composite resin or porcelain that are placed over the front of your tooth.
The process of placing a veneer is relatively simple. First, our dentist will remove a small amount of your tooth enamel and take an impression of your tooth. That impression will be used to create your veneer, which will be shaped and colored to blend in with your smile. When it is ready it will be placed on your tooth with dental cement.
If you take care of your veneer properly, it can last between 10-15 years. However, it is up to you to make sure it lasts. You will need to brush and floss your teeth every day, and see your dentist for your regular cleanings and exams. Remember that the veneer protects the front of your tooth, but the back is still susceptible to tooth decay. Your veneer can be chipped by hard foods, ice, or by chewing on things. And, you should keep in mind that the cement holding your veneer in place can wear away over time, causing your veneer to fall off. Your veneer can also be stained by dark-colored food and drinks. Any damage to your veneer will have to be repaired by your dentist. Because your tooth enamel must be removed to place a veneer, the process is irreversible.
If you have a tooth that needs some minor work, why not talk to our dentist, Dr. Devin Fisher about a dental veneer? If you live in the Port Orchard, Washington, area and would like to make an appointment at Fisher Distinctive Dentistry, please call 360-876-0445 today. Â