If you have a cavity, which typically presents itself as a hole in the tooth, then it’s very important to call Fisher Distinctive Dentistry and schedule an appointment with our dentists, Dr. Devin Fisher and Dr. Zachary Bergevin. Tooth decay, which is another name for a cavity, is one of the most dangerous dental issues and it needs to be... read more »
In addition to pain in the oral cavity, there are some signs of wisdom teeth in need of removal that you can look out for. If you notice any of the following signs, or if the areas behind your molars are hurting or swelling, please reach out to us so that we can schedule you a visit to see our... read more »
As children, we learn hygiene habits as something that you “just do, because it needs to be done because I said so.” However, as adults, we may have many dental questions that have gone unanswered. Here are some frequently asked questions about dental health. I have a cavity. What happened? The more you know about cavities, the better able you... read more »
Teeth whitening treatment is designed to safely and powerfully bleach out discolorations in the teeth as well as improve your smile. Although whitening agents are often found in mouthwash, toothpaste, and even chewing gum, the most proficient form remains professional teeth whitening. Here are the most popular types of teeth whitening: -The most common type of teeth whitening treatments are... read more »
As you age, your teeth will start to form their permanent positions. You may find yourself in braces to straighten out a misaligned bite. In the meantime, you might be around friends or acquaintances that pressure you to look your best and you may feel self-conscious about your smile. Our dentist and team are happy to provide you with tips... read more »
If you have lost several or all of your teeth and are considering receiving dentures to restore your smile, we invite you to read the following facts. Dr. Fisher and Dr. Bergevin and our team have provided these facts to help you know if dentures are right for you: Dentures do not replace dental visits. Even after receiving dentures, you... read more »
Dental checkups may seem like an unnecessary expenditure of your time if your smile looks and feels healthy, but they are highly important to the longevity of your dental health. Dental checkups, which comprise of a dental exam and cleaning, can reveal undiagnosed dental problems that otherwise would not have been discovered until they reached a more advanced stage. Many... read more »
Brushing teeth is the basics of mouth care, but there is more you should be doing for total mouth health. Let’s look at some more habits your teeth and gums need you to develop. Flossing: The once-a-day companion to brushing, this oral hygiene habit can be difficult for some people to adhere to. However, it is vital to your dental... read more »
You’re ready to enhance your smile, but not yet very familiar with cosmetic dentistry options. Your smile is as unique as you are, and therefore the best dental plan will be personalized by talking with Dr. Fisher and Dr. Bergevin. However, to give some idea of what you will discuss, here is an intro to two of the best options... read more »
The natural bacteria living in your mouth can give off unpleasant odors. Even if you brush and floss your teeth consistently, plaque can still build up on soft oral tissues, contributing to chronic bad breath. When brushing, you should try to focus on working the bristled head in a circular motion around each face of the tooth. It should take... read more »