Dentures are strong dental restorations that can do many things for you and your smile. If you’re contemplating using this restoration, our dentists, Dr. Fisher and Dr. Bergevin, and dental team would like to help you know a little more about it. We are happy to tell you the reasons why you should restore your smile and oral health with... read more »
The quest for the perfect dental floss doesn’t have to be a challenging task because many types of thread can accomplish the task of a clean smile. If the thread can hold tight in each round of flossing, it can do its job effectively. To start, make sure you are using a single filament thread or similar solid thread that... read more »
Have you ever asked yourself which substances in your meals you should be avoiding to keep your gum line safe? Usually, we know which foods and drinks can be hazardous to our weight, but we fail to take into consideration the effects dangerous food can have on our teeth. Improving your oral health care includes dangerous food avoidance. Not all... read more »
Are you looking for a set of dental crowns to turn your smile around? Restore your smile with a set of CEREC® dental crown. They can improve the look of your smile while also providing an additional layer of protection. They can also improve the functionality of broken and damaged teeth--in many cases restoring the tooth to its original form.... read more »
A dental sealant is a tooth restoration treatment designed to protect your teeth from future damage by applying a special coating to your teeth that acts as a secondary level of protection over your natural tooth enamel. Dental sealants use special gels to apply the coating to your teeth, which is activated by specialized light sources to harden. Dental sealants... read more »
Are you missing a tooth? There are several options for replacing one or two teeth side by side, one option is the dental bridge. Here are the details: A dental bridge is ideal for an area with a missing tooth (or two) where the teeth next to the gap have been weakened by loss of tooth structure, large fillings or... read more »
There's nothing much worse than realizing you have foul-smelling breath while in the midst of a social situation. Horrible timing, right? Who are we kidding? Bad breath is a common issue that dampens many of life's social and romantic situations. But, with the help of Drs. Fisher & Bergevin, you can eliminate bad breath, which is also known as halitosis,... read more »
Do you know what to do in the event of an oral emergency? Oftentimes, oral emergencies are the result of accidents that occur to our mouths often unintentionally and in many cases, they are not easily preventable. However, preparing for any situation that may arise with your oral health is one of the key pillars to ensuring the highest chance... read more »
Improve Recovery Time with Effective Tooth Extraction Planning Are you scheduled for an upcoming tooth extraction? If so, are you prepared for the challenges that may await, including resting heavily and ensuring your mouth can effectively heal properly? Improve recovery time with effective tooth extraction planning. Listed below are some common tips to help you: -Always set up a plan... read more »
It’s estimated by the American Dental Association that gum disease afflicts the oral health of 47 percent of people over the age of 30. Gingivitis is the earliest form of gum disease. It is often the result of bacterial-rich tartar hardening at the gumline. This causes inflammation in the sensitive gum tissues. Common symptoms include red or inflamed gums that... read more »