Your wisdom teeth are technically third molars. They linger deep within the gums in the back of your mouth and usually start to emerge in late adolescence. Common symptoms include discomfort, pain, or a dull ache in the jaw muscles. Considering there is little room in the back of your mouth for these teeth to occupy, they can easily become... read more »
If you have suffered through an oral ailment that has left you with missing teeth, there are several services and treatments that can be used to give you back a full smile. Dental implants, dental bridges, and dentures are all excellent choice to restore what was lost. With dental implants, a permanent fix to your missing teeth can be found... read more »
We understand that your time is important and we understand that visiting your dentist could seem like more trouble than it’s worth. Similarly, twice a year may seem too often, but skipping these bi-annual cleanings can lead to a number of problems. You might assume that all our team does during these appointments is clean your teeth and send you... read more »
Tooth extraction recovery treatment options begin with setting a firm plan in place to ensure minimal recovery time for oral health care success. As long as you minimize any risks you can reasonably prevent or protect yourself from, the greater the likelihood you will achieve success. Simple procedures such as tooth extractions may not take long to recover from, but... read more »
Do you ever wonder what you should consider doing about a damaged tooth? You probably know that if you have something like a chipped or a cracked tooth, you should have the issue addressed before it becomes more serious. Fortunately, there are a number of options you can consider, so don’t forget to consider a dental crown when you make... read more »
Many people tend to ignore a toothache until it becomes unbearable and their visits to the dentist are then always associated with a negative, painful experience. Toothaches typically dont go away without professional help and only become more painful and more expensive to treat the longer you wait. You have several different nerves that run through your mouth and cause... read more »
Some say your smile is the first thing others notice when you meet them, and thats exactly what makes many people feel nervous or self-conscious about their smile and their teeth. Luckily, our team has exciting news for you about how enhance your smile and boost your self-confidence using bonded porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers can enhance your smile by covering... read more »
The world may not yet have flying cars in every driveway, but it does have something everyone has truly waited for: same-day dental crowns. Thanks to the CEREC (CEramic REConstruction) and the master craftsmanship of our skilled dentists at Fisher Distinctive Dentistry, the ideal future of our imagination has arrived! No more waiting and agonizing for weeks for your crown... read more »
Teeth become sensitive when the dentin (the tooth layer covered by enamel) becomes exposed. When the dentin is exposed it allows the nerves and cells within the tooth to become sensitive to heat and cold or acidic, spicy and sugary foods. Its never fun to bite into one of your favorite foods only to experience a sudden burning or painful... read more »
Some kids love going to the dentist. They actually enjoy having their teeth cleaned and the attention they receive. They're also excited to receive a new toothbrush and select a toy after their visit with the dentist. However, other children are so scared by what they have seen or heard from others that it is difficult to coax them into... read more »