Teenage Oral Health Risks

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As you age, your teeth will start to form their permanent positions. You may find yourself in braces to straighten out a misaligned bite. In the meantime, you might be around friends or acquaintances that pressure you to look your best and you may feel self-conscious about your smile. Our dentist and team are happy to provide you with tips for navigating your teenage years with outstanding dental health.

-If you play contact sports or are involved in similar high-risk activities, please remember to use the right safety gear and equipment.
-Before choosing to get an oral piercing, be aware of the risks this may create. The jewelry can chip and crack your teeth. Any rings that pierce the skin can also lead to infections and disease. Shards of jewelry can even break off and become choking hazards.
-Cigarettes, marijuana, and other drugs are common in some teenage circles, but you can stay strong and avoid them. In addition to damaging your physical and emotional health, they can weaken your teeth and gums.
-When you are in your teens, you’ll get your third molars, which are also called wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are infamous for growing in incorrectly and becoming impacted. Ask our dentist if your wisdom teeth need to be removed to protect your smile.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for a checkup with Dr. Fisher and Dr. Bergevin and our expert dental team at Fisher Distinctive Dentistry, you can call our dentist office in Port Orchard, WA at 360-876-0445.