Tooth extraction recovery treatment options begin with setting a firm plan in place to ensure minimal recovery time for oral health care success. As long as you minimize any risks you can reasonably prevent or protect yourself from, the greater the likelihood you will achieve success. Simple procedures such as tooth extractions may not take long to recover from, but the time and effort you put into your recovery can provide tremendous benefits.
The most important step to recovery from a tooth extraction is to always follow your doctor’s instructions and health care guidelines. Our team at Fisher Distinctive Dentistry wants to ensure all recovery options are done with the greatest of care. This includes recovery via resting, so no working out or strenuous exercise should be done during the recovery process.
If you have any excessive swelling, use ice packs, or doctor-approved cooling packs. If you are in pain, use any pain medications or antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor.
Make sure to follow your doctor’s strict plan for your diet, and do not begin eating until the anesthetic has completely worn off. If you use tobacco products, quit them completely, or at least give them up for two complete days both before and after surgery.
With adequate care and attention, tooth extraction recovery can be done in minimal time. For more information about tooth extractions, or to book an appointment with our office, please contact us at 360-876-0445 to speak with a member of our team.